Strategies on training your employees for maximum results

Measuring learning outcomes for beginners

Written by Team Vignita | Aug 16, 2023 12:15:36 PM

Measurement is a cornerstone of effective learning and development (L&D) initiatives. It allows organizations to gauge the impact of their training programs and make informed decisions for improvement. Here are some tips for those just getting started with measuring learning within their organization, and how Vignita can help!

1. Align your objectives with key business outcomes

Before starting any L&D program, it's important to define clear and measurable objectives. What skills or behaviors should participants acquire? What performance improvements are expected? While it can be easy to tie those objectives to specific roles and departments, don't lost sight of your overall business goals. How do your learning objectives tie in to achieving those results?

2. Choose Relevant Metrics:

Select metrics that align with your objectives and outcomes. Common metrics include:

Learning Outcomes: Assess changes in knowledge, skills, and attitudes. For example - your company may have introduced new policies and procedures around safety protocols in the workplace. Assess learner knowledge before they start their learning to see how scores differ before and after an e-learning course, webinar, or on-site training event. 

Performance Metrics: Measure on-the-job performance improvements- For example - did those improved learning outcomes transfer to improved safety compliance in the workplace? Were the new procedures followed?

Engagement and Participation: Evaluate participant involvement and interaction with learning content. For example - Was there a different performance outcome based on whether workers took a specific course? Was there a difference in how recently they took a course or received a certification? This can help you better understand not just whether a learning opportunity was important, but when it was important!

3. Understand where you are now - before you take next steps!

Establish a baseline before the training starts. This helps quantify the existing skill level and provides a benchmark for comparison after learners have gone through training. Post-program assessments, follow-ups and/or check-ins can then show how much (and in which ways) learners have improved.

4. Ensure you rely on both quantitative and qualitative data:

Quantitative data, like scores on assessments and course completion rates, offers valuable information that can help you determine what types of training are most efficient. But don't forget to complement those results with insightful qualitative data, such as participant feedback and on-the-job observations. This can help you better understand if learners think important course topics are missing, if the learning was relevant to their work, and how much they like different types of learning.

5. Continuous Improvement:

Measurement doesn't stop after a single course, or even a single series of courses! It's important to regularly analyze results to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. This iterative process ensures that L&D efforts evolve to meet changing needs. 

How Vignita can help:

Vignita is on a mission to provide you with as much relevant data is possible. If you need additional guidance on connecting your data to your organization's goals, contact your Learning Success Advisor for ideas on how to get the most out of your data! 

Vignita's learning marketplace also makes it easier than ever to broaden course offerings for your learners - whether they be deskless professionals or people leaders. Many of our course providers also offer bespoke training - whether that be online tutoring and lectures tailored to specific business needs, or onsite training that can perfectly match on-the-job contexts.

Course instructor profiles also make it easy to reach out to instructors for additional opportunities. If learners are consistently reporting that a course module could offer more robust training, reaching out to a course provider may result in future editions of the course including your feedback, or them creating a custom version that meets your needs!